Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Telos International

TELOS International provides culturally sensitive, holistic mental health services, and it is dedicated to encouraging, empowering, and equipping underserved people and communities by offering training, counseling, and related mental health resources.

TELOS focuses on mental health and relational well-being from a Christian perspective. Recognizing the wholeness of Truth, TELOS seeks to wed the best training in mental health with a faithful Christian worldview.
While TELOS provides services within its home country of the United States, a significant portion of its efforts and ministries are provided internationally.
The Greek word TELOS means to achieve one's ultimate aim, purpose, or goal in life ... to be complete, mature, and whole. An apt term for this encouraging, empowering, and equipping service.
For more information, please visit http://www.telosinternational.org/
Or contact Dr. Rand Michael at randolphmichael@yahoo.com
PO Box 23292
Portland, Oregon 97281-3292 USA

1 comment:

dream and fact said...

oh,i'm a dreamer,too. very glad to meet you and share your blog!
good luck! please enjoy the music of
